New CAA PrayerLink Prayer Partner highlight video!
13-minute run time
Request to receive your FREE CAA PrayerLink program now!
CAA PrayerLink is a 100% web-based program for helping Christian churches organize and manage their prayer ministry. Post Church Prayer Request & Praise Reports, praying for salvations using the lost list prayer option, Member Communication. Email & Texting, Prayer-Partner Photo directory, and More… Use on your Cell Phone, Tablet, or Computer Mobile App Option (PWA)
View, login, and test —-
Test out our PrayerLink demo program
Open up the program and take a look, login and test test it out. Sign-up as a “First-time Prayer Partner” Once you have registered, use the username and password you’ve created to login and post a prayer request or praise report — look it over, check-it-out and see how it works. TEST IT!
Linking Churches and Prayer Warriors
together in Prayer is our mission.
CAA’s PrayerLink program provides a simple way for church members and prayer partners to post prayer requests and praise reports to their church’s private Prayer Wall. Your church’s Prayer Wall will be viewable and printable by your church’s prayer partners when they log in. Also, instantly emailing the posted prayer requests to all of your church’s prayer partners is a convenient option. CAA PrayerLink is a FREE tool for helping churches organize and manage their prayer ministry. Plus, using the Lost List feature you can list the names of individuals known not to have accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is a place where you can share the names of unsaved individuals with a group of Pray Warriors willing to intercede in prayer on their behalf for salvation.
Also, when posting a prayer request for your church to view, you have an option for the same post to appear on a Global Prayer Wall — allowing prayer requests from your churches to be seen by others. Church prayer partners are linked together through the PrayerLink program’s network of participating Christian churches. Other churches may see the prayer request from your church if desired — allowing potentially for many people outside of your church to pray for your church’s request, and your church praying for other churches.
Request to receive your FREE CAA PrayerLink program now!
The above screenshot is an example of a prayer wall page on a desktop computer

Bonus: Get a FREE Manual for your church
How to set up and organize a church-wide Prayer Ministry

Now your church with a CAA PrayerLink program can post and communicate prayer requests & praise reports, intercession for the lost, and more all from your cell phone, tablet, or computer. CAA PrayerLink is simply a tool designed for organizing a prayer ministry and for providing everything you will need right at your fingertips at all times. Communicating and sharing prayer requests with your church members and prayer partners is simple and fast, and urgent prayer requests can be distributed in just seconds
Our Mission: “Linking Churches and Prayer Warriors together in Prayer”.

“An Acts 1:8 Prayer Challenge” published in the Christian Index on October 9th, 2019